AI vs Human Writers: Why Both Are Essential for Effective Copywriting

As technology continues to evolve, it's no surprise that the world of copywriting is changing too. One of the hottest topics in marketing today is ChatGPT, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), and its impact on copy creation. 

For many writers, AI feels like a threat. For some business owners, it seems like the free alternative to their content creation needs. The reality is that it is neither of those two extremes.  With a little help from AI and a lot of human input, this blog post will explore the benefits of using AI for copywriting and why this tool is the future of marketing content.

The Pros and Cons of Using AI for Copy Creation

Yes. At Corporate Media Lab (CML), our experts use AI to create top-notch content – and we love it!

In fact, we’re not shy to say that AI-generated content has quickly become a critical component of our operations. Why? Because, for as much as we love writing, we’re the first to admit that the creative process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. That's where AI comes in. To help us get past the writer’s block and right into the juicy creative flow. 

But it’s not all fun and games with AI content creation. In our experience, these are some of the biggest benefits and downsides of this popular business tool.

Pro: Speed in Content Creation

The most obvious benefit of using AI for copywriting is the increased efficiency and speed of content creation. With AI, it's possible to generate large volumes of content quickly – this is especially helpful for marketers who need to produce a lot of content on a regular basis.

These types of companies can include:

  • Media outlets

  • E-commerce websites

  • Social media platforms

  • Content marketing companies

Con: One Size Does Not Fit All

While some businesses often rely on a high volume of content to attract and engage their audiences, we’ve learned that most companies don’t need to produce content on the daily (or weekly, for that matter).

Whether you’re a lifestyle brand, a financial advisor, or a startup, the demand for corporate content simply isn’t there. But when companies are too quick to jump on the AI bandwagon, they could end up creating repetitive content that feels – well, artificial.

As the trend continues to grow, audiences will begin to recognize the difference between AI-created content and authentic writing. And, as we’ve already seen in the marketing industry as a whole, people are hungry for authenticity. That’s what led to the rise of influencers and it’s sure to swing the pendulum back to human-created content.

Pro: Consistency in Voice

AI can help ensure consistency in tone and style across different pieces of content, which can be challenging to achieve when working with multiple writers. This can be especially problematic for businesses that are trying to establish a strong brand identity and messaging.

AI can step in to help provide a consistent style and tone across different pieces of content. By analyzing existing content and identifying common patterns, AI can generate new content that matches the existing brand voice.

Con: The AI Echo Chamber

AI may be able to enhance human intelligence. But can bots understand the intention behind a written piece? Can they create transitions like this, that help readers connect with the content while enhancing flow? Absolutely not. 

Marketing is supposed to make you feel something. And AI feels nothing. 

That’s where humans step in, to infuse content with personality. Otherwise, all the information available online would end up sounding the same and readers would check out after skimming through the intro.

So, how do you use AI to create on-brand content that engages readers?

Let’s say you want to create a series of blog posts on a particular topic. You can use AI to:

  • Analyze your existing blog content 

  • Identify common themes, keywords, and writing styles

  • Generate new blog post ideas 

For content creators, this is a wonderful strategy that liberates your writers to do their magic and create pieces that your audience will love.

Pro: AI for Proofreading

An important advantage of AI for copy creation is the ability to improve accuracy and reduce errors in writing. AI-powered tools can help catch mistakes, ensure grammatical correctness, and improve the overall quality of content. 

If your marketing department outsources to writers outside of the country, this is a big plus for you. It’s particularly helpful for non-native English speakers or writers who struggle with grammar and spelling.

With natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, AI can analyze text and identify errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax. It can even suggest corrections and improvements, such as rephrasing awkward sentences or eliminating unnecessary words!

Con: Lack of Connection

At the end of the day, what audiences are looking for are ways to connect with the people behind the enterprise. And what makes brilliant marketing is the ability to weave storytelling into sales pieces, to make content unforgettable. 

Simply speaking, AI doesn’t understand your audience the way that you do. It can definitely help you save time, improve accuracy, and reduce errors in copywriting. But to strike the right balance, you need to pair AI with marketing writing professionals who bring out the best of bots to create more effective copy that sells.

The Future of Copywriting with AI

As AI continues to evolve and improve, it's likely that it will become more integrated into the copywriting process. In the future, we may see AI used to create more personalized and targeted content, such as product descriptions tailored to individual customers' preferences and needs. Additionally, AI may be used to generate content for chatbots and other AI-powered communication tools, which can help businesses provide more efficient and effective customer service.

But behind every great bot, there will be an even greater human. A creative writer who has a way with words and the ability to use technology to enhance their talent.

At CML, we know how to prompt AI to generate effective and engaging content that resonates with target audiences and helps businesses achieve their marketing goals. Reach out today to learn more about how we’re using cutting-edge technology to boost your brand voice and develop successful marketing campaigns.